Introduction to my circadianclock journey

My name is Asalele, I just turned 40  in May, I am a Malawian (African) woman, married with 3 children, who are 16, 14 and 4 years old. My family and I  currently live in Dakar, Senegal since 6 years ago because of my husband's job. I've been a stay at home mum fully since 2014 when we moved to Senegal, working full time last in 2009.

 I am an occupational health and safety practitioner, and a Quality management specialist with 12 years work experience in that field. 

Health and weight management have been my passion as far as I can remember and I have had my share of challenges along the journey and still do.

In 2010, I lost 16Kg (35Ib) and have since maintained the same weight range. I'll focus more on the period between 2015 and now as that's where I've closely monitored and kept a consistent record of the journey.

So, what is mycircadianclock? And why did I choose to write about my journey about it?

It is a study that is sponsored by the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. The research is done via an app called mycircadianclock.  The links below have more information.

This study is open to adults 18 years and older.

Some information from the app: 

Research has shown that our daily eating, sleeping, and activity patterns can affect health and determine our long term risk for various diseases. This app is part of a research project which uses smartphones to advance research into biological rhythms in the real world, while also helping you understand your body’s rhythms.
myCircadianClock helps you keep track of daily behaviours important for maintaining a healthy life, such as eating, sleeping, moving, and taking supplements and medications. Data that you share through the app as part of a research study will help researchers understand how daily timing of the behaviours influence health and well-being. At the same time, the app provides personalized insights into your daily rhythms.

I have completed 6 out 14 weeks of the research of which the first 2 weeks were  spent establishing my baseline so basically I've done 4 weeks. To stay motivated and to be accountable I've decided to blog about mycircadianclock  journey whilst I'm sharing more about my passion each week. I would also like to encourage other moms that it is possible to stay healthy and fit for each stage of life we are at. 

This is just an introduction, I'll start sharing updates on my journey and more about my challenges and successes from next week. I'll try to share another blog or two before next week just to give more insight about the period before joining this research study.

Looking forward to sharing with everyone 🙂.

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