It's the New Year...

2022 is here, for a lot of people that means new resolutions. Lose weight, give up certain habits, connect more with others etc.  I don't think I can say the same for me, it doesn't feel that way for sure.

I am definitely celebrating the mark of a new season that God has granted my family and I with, considering the world which we've been living in these past two years. I am grateful that we have seen the beginning of another calendar year and have a few milestones to look forward to.
On my health journey, I am excited  as I continue to follow my body's circadian clock.
I shared that in December I had 4 weeks of eating in an 8-10 hour window where I experienced great changes. I'm still following the circadian clock, and I intend to take it a step further as I align my sleep patterns and exercise routine with it. It's quite a challenge for me for every so often we  change routines at home when I visit my husband, or he visits us, but I like challenges, they keep me on my feet.

Following this way of eating for the past month enabled me to enjoy my New Year's Eve  3-course dinner, which wasn't exactly the healthiest but definitely delicious. 

For a starter I had goat cheese pie with salad, fig, walnuts, and apple.
I've grown to like goat cheese as a healthier option to cow cheese.

For the main meal, I had Penne Vegetarians.
This was my first time in a while to have wheat again, and I did pretty well. I think once in a while I can do wheat.
And for dessert, I had this Apple Twist—cinnamon caramelized apple, almond, crumble and vanilla ice-cream.
Sugar… yes, there was some sugar in this, certainly. I really did enjoy it, and I'm not sorry about it.
I should mention that I enjoyed this meal at 'My Way' restaurant in Dakar, a Lebanese cuisine. The meal left me just satisfied, not too full as I would normally feel on such an occasion in the past.
Anyway, 2021 ended well for me on this health journey and  on that note, I would like to say that this is my final post on this blog. In the coming year I will be writing posts on my new blog known as 'the nomadic healthy lifestyle.” I realize that it's now going on 13 years since I left my beloved home country of Malawi, and in these few years as a nomad, one thing that has remained constant is striving to live a healthy lifestyle. So as I continue to explore  life as a nomad, I would also like to share my experiences on how I have thrived through the healthy lifestyle journey regardless of my location.

Be on the lookout for my new blog, 'The Nomadic Healthy Lifestyle'. God bless!

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